Paint a Poppy on the BBC News

Paint a Poppy at Sunderland Minster 2017, from 7 - 16th Nov.

supported by
Abbeyfield & Gentoo.
Click to find out more about Abbeyfield in Sunderland

Scroll down to see the Paint a Poppy exhibition at Sunderland Minster 2016.

Katy Wheeler reports for the Sunderland Echo - click to find out more
Paint a Poppy
On August 4 2014, it was exactly 100 years since Britain first entered the First World War. To commemorate this, Ian Potts led a series of workshops throughout Sunderland City working with community groups, schools and churches, encouraging people to paint a poppy. The resulting painting will be featured at St. Aidan's Catholic Academy's WWI Memorial Service on 11/11/2014.
The workshops were based on the sacrifice of those who gave their lives during the War and gave participants a chance to reflect on the lives of these young men who should be as relevant and revered today as they were 100 years ago. (Click to read more)
These workshops and installations are part of a series of art events on the theme of Paint A Poppy, funded by Abbeyfield, Gentoo, the Brother's in Arms charity and
Eon-Arts. Read what the Sunderland Echo said, Click
This work illustrates artist Ian Potts' interest in the power of art and its capacity to engender emotion and challenge how we perceive our place within the world. Ian hopes the piece will promote a complexity of both thought and feeling.
Click for Sunderland Echo copy
Ian Potts and residents painting poppies at Falstone Carehome, Roker and Cuthbertson Court in Seaburn, Sunderland.
Ian Potts helped pupils from St. Benet's Primary School in Fulwell, Sunderland chalk some poppies.
Paint a Poppy students have ranged in age and abilities from serious club painters to those who had never picked up a paintbrush up before. The oldest participant is the inspirational Virginia Acheson from Glenhome Care Home at Roker who painted for the first time at 101 years of age (the only artist who was born before the outbreak of WWI.) Virginia’s great age got me thinking about who the youngest participant was. Seeing as I had been recently working in Mill Hill School, I asked Head Teacher Dean Marshall who the youngest pupil involved in the ‘Paint a Poppy’ workshop was. He told me it was four year-old Kai Cuthbertson. The name ‘Cuthbertson’ struck a chord with me, as it was the tragic death in Afghanistan of Nathan Cuthbertson, one of my former students, who started the whole process culminating in ‘Paint a Poppy'.

Kai and Virginia
Nathan's Poppy

Click photos to find out more about the fantastic work done byTom and Carla and their Brothers in Arms charity.
Back in November 2010, I organised two charity walks called ‘The Sunderland Half Marathon’ which raised money for the Brothers in Arms group to help build a wall of remembrance in Mowbray Park. I also founded the ‘St. Aidan’s Remembrance Service’: a tribute to Nathan Cuthbertson and other servicemen and women from Sunderland. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Kai is the great nephew of Tom and Carla Cuthbertson (Nathan’s parents). I rang Tom and Carla to see if they had any relatives in Mill Hill Primary School and, to my amazement, was told of their family link to Kai, who’s middle name ‘Nathan’ was given to him in memory of his second cousin. (click to link to the Sunderland Echo video.)

Mill Hill Primary School

Artist Ian Potts helped pupils from Mill Hill Primary School at Doxford Park, Sunderland to print some poppies.

Kai printing his poppy on the Mill Primary School Installation watched by artist Ian Potts and fellow pupils.

Just some of the incredible documentation sent to Mill Hill Primary school after the Eon-Arts workshops.
From poppies to people

Amazing stories from the Paint a Poppy workshops!

Kai printed the red poppy (shown to the left) to honour his second cousin's Nathan's memory. Nathan can be seen above dressed in his 2 PARA uniform that he was so proud to wear.


Whitburn Art Club
Bob Bell (pictured right) from Whitburn Art Club with some of his work for the Eon-Arts Paint A Poppy project. Bob produced a fantastic collection of work in response to the appeal for images by artist Ian Potts, including some pictures of family medals.
Poppies from Bishopwearmouth Church

Whitburn Village Primary School
Hayley Marshall, class six teacher at Whitburn Village
Primary School (pictured below) with her work
produced at a recent Eon-Arts Paint a Poppy session at the school.


Chillingham House
Some of the painters at Chillingham House, Monkwearmouth enjoying an early morning Eon-Arts painting session.
Back home, Ian Potts, recently visited the new Springtide Cove housing 21 developement on the site of Victor/Dock street, which is very close to where he was born. The old streets are long gone but Ian still has an affection for the area.

Vicky, Roger and Maria. three generations of painters.

Lucy and Pat at a Paint a Poppy workshop at H.O.P.S. |

Melanie and Pam watch Eon-Arts artist Ian Potts Paint a Poppy |

Good Bye and God bless you all.
From your son
Sgt. B. Walker
Till we meet again.
I can say I fought for my country.
Final Preparations
Ian Potts would like to thank Barbara Hughes and Bob Bell (pictured here adding their own finishing touches to the Paint a Poppy panels of poppies) for their time and help in creating the final installation.
11.11.2014 Paint a Poppy Service

Ian shows Virginia her poppy painting.

Click the picture to hear Chris play his moving
of the Last Post.


Chris Byers plays the last post, 11.00, 11-11-2014 |
Viginia tells her Paint a Poppy experience.
Boxing Day 2014, Installation and Workshop at the Park Keepers Lodge, Roker Park
Please click to view the 360 degrees photograph by Chris Foreman above.

Ian Potts during the Boxing Day 2014 workshop in the Park Keepers Lodge in Roker Park.

Ian would like to thank Susan Nolan and CEED for their help with the Roker Lodge Installation which ran from November 2014 untill February 2015. |

The Paint a Poppy winter installation was displayed here in the Park Keepers lodge in Roker Park, Sunderland.

Spring Paint a Poppy Installation, the Briery Attic. Ashbrooke 2015.

The Poppy Installation is currently on display in The Briery Attic in St. Aidan’s School, where it has attracted musicians and poets who have contributed their own poignant reflections through words and music to the ever growing body of work.

Eon-Arts artist Ian Potts presents Paint a Poppy
As a tribute to the soldiers who suffered at the front, Eon-Arts artist Ian Potts has decided to continue working on his Paint a Poppy project until Armistice Day (11.00 hours on 11/11/2018, when the last poppy will be painted.) He hopes that more Sunderland families will bring copies of their own family photographs so they can pay their own personal tribute to the fallen through Paint a Poppy. To do this, Ian needs a studio to house the giant installation so that he and the people of Sunderland can continue to add tributes to their loved ones. If you think you can help Ian in anyway, particularly with premises, please contact him via e-mail on

A Pebble Poppy made at Roker

A Pebble Poppy made at Roker
Redby Primary School

Redby Primary School Paint a Poppy display.

Find out about Paint a Poppy at Stockton Rd, United Reformed Church (click photo)

click above to see the results

Free Paint a Poppy
events at
Stockton Road SR1 3NW
7th-22nd November.
Just up from Park Lane Interchange

Click St. Georges photo above to see programme and opening times
Stockton Rd, U R Church

Sunderland Minster 2016 

photograph by Geoff Scott.

Joe and Grand-Dad George with their Paint a Poppies

Paint a Poppy at the Sunderland Minster
supported by

Abbeyfield and Gentoo.

The Idle and Dissolute by Phil Adams
THE bravery of a ‘forgotten’ band of Wearside war heroes is to finally be remembered – 100 years after fighting for King and Country.
The soldiers of the close-knit ‘Idle and Dissolute’ unit saw action across Europe in battle after bloody battle during the Great War – winning dozens of gallantry awards.
But, a century after the 160th (Wearside) Brigade Royal Field Artillery was raised, the courageous deeds of its 2,500 troops have been largely forgotten – until now. click to see Sunderland Echo report
Click to connect to Phil's site. |

Brothers in arms was set up in 2009 by parents who had lost a child in the armed forces who wanted a memorial built in the City of Sunderland as there are only memorials in Staffordshire and Iraq for soldiers killed in service since WW2. Sunderland has the biggest service outside of London so it will be a fitting tribute to recognise the people of the North and for the sacrifices the armed forces are making for us.
Click to connect to the Brothers in Arms site. |

Click to connect to the Sunderland in the First World War
site. |
