This video is my winning entry for the MIMA competition.
MIMA teamed up with NHS North East and BALTIC, to promote theChange4Life campaign. North East schools were invited to enter the Action Art! for Schools competition to come up with a proposal to encourage a healthier lifestyle. Entries were judged on their level of innovation, creativity and inspiration. Our student's Action art work made over 5 days was displayed at MIMA.
I deliver programmes of study for all Art National Curriculum Key Stages and vocational work. I have taught the following art specialist subjects, Art and Design, Fine Art, Painting and Drawing, Printmaking, Art History, Photography, Graphic Design, Film Making, Textiles and Ceramics. I have also taught to various levels English, Maths, PE and PDE as well as running numerous extracurricular courses including The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, kite making, film-making, and juggling groups. I am available to help your school with educational solutions including short art courses, which are analytical and skills-based, Art Mark applications, specialist staff art training, PPA and supply cover, or by working as an artist in residence.
I have worked successfully with pupil premium students and have produced whole school cross-curricular projects. Helping with educational visits would also be considered, as I have organised art workshops in Paris, Amsterdam, London and scores of galleries and museums.

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