Fulwell Community Library
Every Wednesday morning from 10-12. All welcome!

The Small Ships
"I always enjoy working with people of all ages and hearing their stories about what makes Sunderland a special place to them". Ian Potts.

The Small Ships workshops will adapt my Mackem Map project into a new format especially designed to commemorate the sailing of the “Tall Ships” on the river Wear. I will introduce the idea of making a Mackem Map as a starting point. These will be produced using a range of mediums such as pencil, pen, paint or mixed-media.
It is often said that everyone has a book inside of them. However, I believe that we can extend this old maxim to maps. For over thirty years I have been asking people to draw their own map of Sunderland. Collating and reviewing these recollections, I am astonished by the artistic talent and the diversity of interests which are highlighted by individual Mackem Maps. Collectively, these maps illustrate a broad Sunderland cartography, underpinned and supported by a microcosm of Mackem mania. The maps are not about ordinance survey precision and detail; instead they are illustrations of memories with all the inconsistencies and individual biases, inaccuracies and mistakes of our failing memories. These personalised memory maps display all the charm and inconsistencies of personal accounts coupled with graphology and pictograms.
The personalised map will be transferred onto a pre-cut wooden cut out of a Tall Ship. The Small Ships designs can be completed using pyrography pens, or engraved using wood carving tools, and painted.
Small Ships workshops will run on
Wed. 2nd & 9th May from 10-12 at St Cuthbert's Church SR5 5QS
also at
Thurs. 3rd & 10th May from 10-12 at St Bede's Church SR5 4PR
Limited places so ring Ian on 07982892262 to book your place
visit @eonpottsarts for more details

Berwick Watch Tower Gallery
A funny thing happened to me on a recent visit to Berwick, when I was inadvertently reunited with a series of Ian Stephenson prints I had helped edition at the Sunderland Arts Centre over thirty years ago. Imagine my surprise turning up at the Watch Tower Gallery to be confronted with these images that I had printed and also the work of my former tutors Dave Gormley and Brian Sefton. The gallery made me so welcome; it is a beautiful space and shows great Contemporary Art, so if you are visiting Berwick make sure you put it on your list of places to visit.
This following review was written by members of U3A Berwick: |

In contrast, many of Brian Sefton’s paintings have an almost photographic quality. When asked what he paints, he will tell you ‘rubbish’. Whereas most of us, when we think of landscapes, look to the horizon and grand pastoral views, Brian looks immediately in front of him, or at his feet and sees art in the detritus strewn around the countryside. His series of paintings of a discarded bike were colourful and beautiful. Other subjects were discarded plastic wrappings, egg boxes, and foil. He uses rubbish to represent ideas.
The third artist, Roy Dutton, who was unable to attend, produces exquisite small bronze ‘medallions’.
This is certainly an exhibition worthy of a second viewing.
Since retirement Dave Gormley has concentrated on creating beautiful images that combine places which have inspired him (notably from his frequent visits to Northern Ireland) with his fascination with geometry. He plays with perspective and chooses elements of the landscape which are carefully placed within geometric spaces to produce crisp, bright and unusual landscapes.

Eon-Arts Alice in Sunderland

Alice in Wonderland is 150 years old and this has generated many events throughout Sunderland. The author of the story, Lewis Carroll, was a regular visitor to the city and there are many local links to the book. Eon Arts celebrated Alice’s anniversary by hosting three special Chalk In workshops starting with the Cultural Spring’s super Summer Streets festival. Next was a charity special on behalf of Cancer UK at Ashbrooke sports ground, before concluding at St. Aidan’s Academy Summer School.

Great Days with the Summer Streets.

Eon-Arts Ashbrooke Cancer Uk Chalk In.

The Mad March Hare

What is going on here?


"Don't go over the lines son," said Dad.

Eon-Arts St Aidan's Chalk In.

The Jabberwocky?

The Jabberwocky?
The finished piece has been given a twist and morphed into a 3D interactive installation. This is on show with other suitably mad Alice exhibits at Sunderland Central Library for the next few weeks. So don’t be late; get along to the Mad Hatters Tea Party and see what all of the fuss is about.

Chalk In moves into another dimension!
See it in real time at the Sunderland Central Library-please check opening times.

Don't just sit there. Haway join the party!
click the picture below to see more Chalk In.

Full names of the participants will be posted when available. Please contact me if there is a problem with the displaying of these images on this page.
Just what did Lewis Carroll
do in Sunderland-find out
Sunderland Central Library.

St Aidan's Academy Summer School entry by Miss N. Redpath and students from St. Aidan's Feeder Schools.
